About Me
Hello MY HEAD TURNERS! My name is Kristen and I am from Nashville Tennessee born and raised! I specialize in custom crochet jewelry, ACCESSORIES & more! I started crocheting in 2010 because I wanted to be different and wear my own custom pieces! I was tired of just plain hoop earrings! I wanted toTurn Heads with my jewelry! Wearing my jewelry made me feel Beautiful ,Confidence, Bold & Empowered! More importantly i wanted other women to feel the same way when wearing Kristen Head Turning Crochet! I appreciate and Thankyou for shopping with Kristen Head Turning Crochet!
Peace LOVE and blessings to you all ! Praise to the Most High !

The Designer
My name is Kristen and I am from Nashville Tennessee, born and raised!
I specialize in custom crochet JEWELRY, ACCESSORIES & more! I started crocheting in 2010 because I wanted to be different and wear my own custom pieces! I was tired of just plain hoop earrings! I wanted to Turn Heads with my jewelry!
Wearing my jewelry made me feel Beautiful, Confident, Bold & Empowered!
More importantly, I wanted other women to feel the same way when wearing Kristen Head Turning Crochet!
I appreciate and Thank You for shopping with
Kristen Head Turning Crochet!